Iowa Honey Queen Program
Would you like to spread the word about the wonders of honey and beekeeping? If so, consider applying to be the next Iowa Honey Queen or Princess. Submissions need to be received by September 30th of each year.
The Iowa Honey Queen and Princess are the chief promoters of honey products and the beekeeping industry in Iowa. Furthermore, they are the public image of the Iowa Honey Producer Association. It is a yearlong position, beginning with coronation at the Iowa Honey Producers Association (IHPA) Annual Meeting each November and ending with the coronation of a new Queen and Princess at the same event one year later. Their duties are to promote the value of the honeybee, beekeeping, and the consumption of honey.
For further questions and information about the Iowa Honey Producers Association Honey Royalty Program, contact Queen Chair Connie Bronnenberg at 515-480-6076 or cbronny823@aol.com

​If you would like to get in contact with the current Iowa Queen to come to your school, club or event, please click the Contact Us tab, if you would like to help support our cause in the education to the general public in saving the honey bees please click the Donate button above.....Thank you for all your support!
2023 Iowa Honey Queen Rachel Vakulich

2023 Iowa Honey Princess Britta McCollum

2022 Iowa Honey Queen Allison Hager

2020 & 2021 Iowa Honey Queen Abigail Kelly

2019 Iowa Honey Queen Brooklyn Pardall

2018 Iowa Honey Queen Joy Westercamp

2017 Iowa Honey Queen Carly Raye Vannoy

2016 Iowa Honey Queen Maia Jaycox & 2016 American Honey Queen Belle Hemesath from Iowa