If you would like to run for a position and be listed on this page as well as on facebook-please email me, Jason Foley, directly at russianbeeguy@gmail.com with a head shot and the position you want. Further details can be discussed at that time.
Districts 4, 5, and 6 are up for election this year.
Director positions are for 2 years. Directors are responsible for answering questions and providing guidance in their perspective districts. They are required to attend most board meetings, twice a year they will select a beekeeper of the month from their area and write a Buzz article on them, and are expected to volunteer some of their time at state fair.
1st Candidate
Tyler Holton

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

1st Candidate
this could be you!

1st Candidate
Marlene Boernsen

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

District 4 Director Candidates
District 5 Director Candidates
District 6 Director Candidates
Officer positions are for 1 year and are up for reelection each year. There isn't a limit to the number of terms an individual can continue to be elected for. However, just like in normal government, just because one of these officers are willing to run another term, doesn't mean that you can't put yourself up for consideration. It is the membership body that votes and decides who will fill a role.
President - position is currently held by Jason Foley and he is planning to step down so some new blood can have a chance.
Duties are to preside over meetings and to speak at IHPA engagements including Annual Conference, and Summer Field Day. To appoint all committee chairpersons and is also the main contact for IHPA with impromptu public speaking events. The president also does a write-up in every issue of The Buzz.
1st Candidate
Chris Puetz

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

Vice President - The position is currently held by Sara Todd, and she is planning to run for re-election
Duties are to step up and cover the duties of the president if there is a time that they can not attend an event or meeting.
1st Candidate
Sara Todd

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

Treasurer - The position is currently held by Lisa Montgomery and she is planning to run for re-election
Duties are to handle all the funds and carry on all business of the Association. The books will close on September 30. A report will be given at the annual meeting concerning the Association finances. The annual review will be published in the Association newsletter.
1st Candidate
Lisa Montgomery

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

Secretary - The position is Heidi Love and she is planning to run for re-election.
Duties are to record the minutes at every meeting and distribute them to the board following said meeting.
1st Candidate
Heidi Love

2nd Candidate
this could be you!

Historian - The position is currently held by Abigail Kelly, but she is seeking to step down if possible. She won't leave the position vacant, but is requesting that someone take over for her.
Duties are to assemble historical Iowa beekeeping information in an orderly fashion, store it in a safe place and make it accessible to those requesting it. In addition, new information will be assembled and added each year to ascertain a usable history of Iowa beekeeping. The historian is encouraged to write-up articles for The Buzz.
1st Candidate
This could be you!

2nd Candidate
Abigail Kelley

Would you like to be a part of the board?
The elections are held at the business meeting on Friday. Any attending member can at that time request to be in the running for one of the positions mentioned above. You will be given a chance to speak out to membership on who you are, and why you would be a good fit for the position. Then membership will vote on the matter. If you would like to get the word out in advance that you want to run for a position email me (Jason Foley IHPA Webmaster) at Russianbeeguy@gmail.com. I will see about getting a head shot of you and putting something up on the website. I can also help answer any questions you might have about the position you are interested in.