Kamon Reynolds

Managing Varroa for Greater Success.
Varroa mites and the viruses they carry are the number one cause for colony loss. In this talk we will address how we successfully deal with Varroa and research we have conducted on them and the products used to control them.
Beetles and Moths and more OH MY!
In this session we address how we cope and deal with several lesser pests that can damage our combs, ruin our patties, weaken our colonies, and in some cases eliminate our honeybees. We also will be addressing ants yellow jackets and more.
Breakout Session:
Weak Hives and what needs to be done.
We all have weak bees from time to time that need assistance from their beekeeper. We will discuss, how to fix, how to prevent, when to call it quits, and more in this topic all about dealing with colonies on the ropes.
Kamon has been keeping bees in North Central Tennessee for 18 years and keeps over 300 Hives with his wife Laurel fulltime. Kamon and Laurel also have filmed hundreds of educational videos to help new and veteran beekeepers around the world keep their bees successfully. Though Kamon does 99.9% of the talking, Laurel has been Beekeeping for 13 years, was a Beekeeper prior to their marriage, and is an invaluable part of their Business Tennessee’s Bees LLC.
Tennessee’s Bees specializes in quality Bee Genetics, Pure Tennessee Honey, and Honeybee Education.