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Master Beekeeper Programs


The breakout session will consist of a discussion about various programs across the U.S. that beekeepers can be a part of. It will go over some of their differences and complexities as well. The breakout will be hosted by Jason Foley and Jeff Becvar.


Jason Foley-

A certified master beekeeper through the University of Florida and also the 4-time beekeeper of the year through the UF Master Beekeeper program. Jason is the current District 5 Director & Webmaster for the Iowa Honey Producers Association, and is an active member of the Friendly Beekeepers of Iowa. Jason specializes in breeding Primorsky Russian Bees and ships his queens all over the United States. Besides being a huge beekeeping nerd, he’s pretty handy at carpentry, construction work, and an avid outdoorsman. Not to mention he can solve about any problem with ductape. Nothing he does is OSHA approved and his wife is sure he won't live to a very old age.

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