Bob Binnie

Friday morning: Queen Management. A discussion on queen performance and management including introduction, acceptance, supersedure, and more.
Friday evening: Four Decades of Commercial Beekeeping: Fun stories, personal experiences and lessons learned while working and traveling as a commercial migratory beekeeper.
Saturday morning: How Processing Affects Honey: There's more to honey than meets the eye. A close up look at how honey is affected by moisture, filtration, temperature and much more.
Bob Binnie began commercial beekeeping in 1981 in Oregon & has been involved in commercial beekeeping in 10 states. He handles all beekeeping and sale for Blue Ridge Honey Company that he operates with wife, Suzette.
Bob is a past President of the Georgia State Beekeepers Association (2008 and 2009), and has served 2 terms on the Board of Directors. He is a past President of the Northeast GA. Mountain Beekeepers Association. Bob is the past President of the Macon County Beekeepers club in NC.
He was voted the 2003 Georgia State Beekeeper of the Year by the Georgia State Beekeepers Association. He is often a guest speaker at many clubs in the southeast and is often asked to teach classes at Beekeeping Schools.