Megan Mahoney

Queen Rearing/Cell Builder Production Basics
Queen Cells Demystified
Megan Mahoney has been fascinated by honey bees ever since being introduced to them in Dr. Marla Spivak’s lab in 2003. Her enthusiasm for bees, beekeepers, and bee breeding has grown over time, and inspired her to build up a repertoire of beekeeping experiences and skills across the US. She has invested more than a decade of work inside the commercial bee industry, with past experience working for queen producers in Northern California, leading a tech team for the Bee Informed Partnership in Texas, and working as a technician for the varroa sensitive hygiene (VSH) breeding program on Hawaii, Big Island. In 2019, she and her partner (Ross Klett), founded “MAHONEY BEES & QUEENS,” a company specializing in instrumental insemination, breeder queens, and cell production. They currently manage a migratory Carniolan- based breeding population in addition to helping maintain about 2,000 colonies. They travel (with the bees) between South East Texas and Central North Dakota.