Esmaeil Amiri

When Do Viruses Strike? Pinpointing the Critical Developmental Stage in Honey bee Queens most Vulnerable to Viral Infections
Dynamics of Viruses among Mite Populations in Hygienic and Non-Hygenic Honey Bees
Esmaeil Amir is an Assistant professor at Mississippi State University, where he leads the Center for Pollinator Health at the Delta Research and Extension Center, MS. Esmaeil earned his PhD from Aarhus university in Denmark and soon after joined the honey bee research collaboration team in North Carolina to investigate viral infections and immune responses in honey bee queens. Since then Dr. Amiri has expanded his research focus and in collaboration with his lab members, they run various research projects ranging from queen health and reproduction, honey bee viruses, Small Hive Beetles to the effect of climate on honey bee diseases. His works aim to support beekeepers and queen producers in MS, the Southeast region and beyond.