Our next IHPA event on the horizon
Honey Bee Day at the State Capitol!
March 26th, Starting at 7am thru 11am.
Iowa State Capital building in the central rotunda
This is a chance to mingle with your representatives and highlight the importance of beekeeping and honey bee related matters to them. The more of a showing we make, the more law makers are prone to consider us as they pass legislation, like our Honey Bee Tax Exemption Bill. Also this is a great opportunity to mingle with other beekeepers, check out all the cities and county boards who have joined the list for declaring their own Honey Bee Day, see displays on our queen and yourth programs, and sample a buffet of treats made greatly or entirely by the masterful hands of Julie Swett. Enjoy our state fair honey lemonade or relax with a cup of coffee sweetened with raw Iowa honey (obviously the best way to have your coffee).

Your New 2025 IHPA Board and Directors (as decided by membership at the business meeting Saturday, Oct. 26th)

Chris Puetz
Vice President:
Sara Holton
Heidi Love

Lisa Montgomery

Tina Marshall

Past President:
Jason Foley

District 4 Director:
Tyler Holton

District 5 Director:
Nicholas Simpson

District 6 Director:
Marlene Boernsen

State Apiarist:
Andrew Joseph
Continuing directors up for re-election next year

District 1 Director:
Jim Marshall

District 2 Director:
HR Cook

District 3 Director:
Riley Finer
2024 IHPA Memorial Scholarship Winners
Dist 1. Kate Richards, Solon
Dist 2. Abigal Dvorak, Cedar Falls
Dist 3. Isabelle Harty, Mason City
Dist 4. Mathew Mikles, Johnston
Dist 5. Dylan Calvin, Creston
Dist 6. Isabelle Gehrke, Milford
These high school graduates will receive a $500 schalorship. I would like to thank all the students that applied. We had more apps than last year. I had several people help and contribute to making this a success. Dick and Kristy Ostercamp for there advise and help. Riley Finer for his help and excepting a spot on the memorial committee. The district representatives all were willing to help and I really feel it makes this special when we can be at the assembly to represent the IHPA. Some had conflicts and were not able to do the presentation. Our President went to a school and made a presentation, Jason thank you. Some schools would not allow a representative to make the presentation and I understand the size of some, there is not enough time for. There will be some minor adjustments made for next year and I will be taking it to the board for approval but I feel this has been a successful year. I am looking forward for next year! Thank you.
You can order one decal for $10 or two for $15 (make check to IHPA). You probably will want two since you will have two License Plates. You don’t have to have a decal on both. Or you could choose a different non-profit organization’s decal and place on the other plate, as well. Or, in the future you want a different type of decal you can easily change it or update your current decal.
You can see the Decal below and on the DOT’s website which is; https://iowadot.gov/mvd/vehicleregistration/vehicleregistration/Decals
This decal is made to the same specifications that the month decal is made. So, it should last a few years. Now, for those of you that do not want to buy the Decal License Plate ($5.00 in addition to your registration fee plus $5.00 renewal fee at the County’s Treasurers Office) but still want a COOL DECAL you can use them like any decal – in your vehicle’s window, bumper or even on your refrigerator.
The purpose of this decal is raise awareness of Honey Bees and IHPA in Iowa. Yes, we will raise some dollars too. All funds raised will go to support Iowa State Fair Booth renovations.
Thanks for your support of this fun way of showing off our love of honey bees and of IHPA.